Educator and Coach Toolkit

Responding to Bullying

Learn to recognize the signs of bullying, and download a conversation guide and tip sheet for talking with families. Explore learning activities you can facilitate with students and their families to help understand how to become allies and upstanders.

70% of teens reported that bullying impacts their mental health.

The 2022 Choose Kindness Project Survey, conducted by Ipsos

Recognize bullying when it happens

Know the warning signs

Get to know the warning signs for bullying – both being bullied and bullying others. Tailor and share a note to families to ensure they know what to look for as well.

Engage students and families in becoming allies

Build on K-12 learning activities with a family event

Help increase ally behavior by facilitating a learning activity from Welcoming Schools, a leading bullying prevention program. Then, customize an invitation for families to engage in an aligned community-building event.

Talk to families when bullying is happening

Address bullying while strengthening connection

Explore 8 tips for addressing bullying in a way that strengthens connections between educators, coaches, and families. This resource was developed in partnership with members of The Choose Kindness Project’s Educator Advisory Group and helps educators and coaches engage families in a way that communicates care, affirms common ground, and paves a clear path forward.

Engage families in responding to cyberbullying

Know the signs of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying can be hard to spot. Familiarize yourself with the Cyberbullying Research Center’s resource on cyberbullying warning signs. Then, customize and share a note to families to ensure they know what to look for at home.

Develop your plan for responding to cyberbullying

In addition to understanding federal, state, and local (e.g., district) policies related to cyberbullying, consider the Cyberbullying Research Center’s top 10 recommendations for how educators can respond to cyberbullying.

Prepare families to respond to cyberbullying

Explore another collection

Check out other helpful resources

We have many other resources available to you beyond the Educator and Coach Toolkit. Just a couple options to get started:

Check out the Parent Playbooks
Check out Resources and Support
Emergency Services

Call 911

Emergency: 911

Mental Health Crisis

Call 988

Mental Health Crisis: 988